Pastorets i Pastoretes is a carol formed by two different melodies based on the same title.
- Year: 2013
- Text: Popular
- Difficulty: Medium-High
- Staff: SATB divisi + solo
- Duration: ca. 3' 30''
- Pages: 6
- Language: Valencian
- Code: aw8vm
Pastorets i pastoretes ja podeu, ja podeu a preparar sabatetes i calcetes que al ninyet, que al ninyet van acurtar. El ninyet ja va per terra fent carreres, fent carreres i pinets. Sant Josep de l’alegria vol donarli vol donarli pastissets.
Pastorets i pastoretes, a on aneu tan de matí? A llavarnos les llaganyes en la bassa del jardí. Pastorets i pastoretes, feu-me llenya que tinc fred. No me la feu d’argelagues, feumela de romeret.
Shepherd boys and shepherd girls, you can now, you can now prepare little shoes and panties, because the little boy, the little boy has been shortened. The little boy is already on the ground running, running and prancing. Saint Joseph of joy wants to give him, wants to give him little cakes.
Shepherd boys and shepherd girls, where are you going so early in the morning? To wash off our rheums in the garden pond. Shepherds and shepherdesses, give me some firewood, I’m cold. Don’t make me wood of gorse, make me wood of rosemary.