Tic-Tac is a trilogy of songs about time. The work speaks of the importance of time in our lives and invites reflection on it.
- Year: 2009
- Text: Alejandro Wolfgang Espigares
- Difficulty: Medium-High
- Staff: SATB divisi + solo
- Duration: ca. 5'
- Pages: 10
- Language: Spanish
- Code: aw1vm
El tiempo no para, el tiempo ya pasa, el tiempo es el dueño de toda mi vida. Es la soledad que me embarga, un silencio intacto que me mata. El tiempo controla nuestra vida y aunque queramos no hay salida.
The clock has already rung.
Time doesn’t stop, time already passes, time owns my whole life. It is the loneliness that overwhelms me, an intact silence that kills me. Time controls our lives and even if we want there is no way out.
Let’s all go dancing. We’re having a party!