Deixa que nesa copa en onde bebes was written on the basis of a commission from Xulio Mosquera with the intention of promoting the poetic work of Rosalía de Castro.
- Year: 2011
- Text: Rosalía de Castro
- Difficulty: Low
- Staff: SATB
- Duration: ca. 2'
- Pages: 2
- Language: Spanish
- Code: aw5vm
Deixa que nesa copa en onde bebes
as dozuras da vida,
unha gota de fel, unha tan soyo,
o meu dolorido coraçón esprima.
Comprenderás entonces
como abranda a delor as pedras frias,
aunque abrandar non poida
almas de ferro e peitos homicidas.
Let that glass you’re drinking from
sweetnesses of life,
a drop of gall, a single one,
my aching heart squeezes.
You’ll understand then
how cold stones soften the pain,
even if it can’t soften
souls of iron and homicidal breasts.